Mastering Your Energy Body

From Anxious and Unmotivated
to Empowered and Energized

You can probably recall times in your life when you felt anxious, unmotivated and without direction.

There are many reasons why this happens, including relationship changes, adjusting to personal loss or health problems, financial difficulties or life stage transitions like having a new family or adjusting to an empty nest later in life.

Sometimes you wake up feeling overwhelmed and unenthusiastic about your life with thoughts like : “If only X would happen, then I would be happier!”

Your life can seem out of your control. You may find yourself resentful toward family and friends because you’re disappointed in what they have (or haven’t) done for you.

How We Cope

In such situations, you may find yourself coping in many ways.

For example, you may:

  • Escape through distractions (e.g. watching too much television)
  • Shut down and zone out
  • Use excessive exercise, spend money or consume too much alcohol to numb yourself

If it becomes too much, you may resign yourself to the situation. For example, you may find yourself withdrawing into loneliness or thinking “This is the way life is and there is nothing I can do about it.” 

Often you don’t know why you feel this way and you may not even know how to go about finding clarity.

What has happened energetically?

Energy is everywhere. It’s everywhere inside you and all around you.

You are energy.

And yet most people don’t realize it – or at least not to the extent that you can use it to your advantage in your daily life.

If you are feeling stuck or heavy, it’s probably because your energy is trapped or hijacked by people and events in your current life or experiences in the past. From a challenging experience or memory, the downward spiral of emotions or avoidant behavior begins.

The more this happens, the more you become disconnected from the true source of your vital life force. Next thing you know, you are spiraling in thoughts that don’t serve you and spending your precious energy on things that don’t help you achieve your goals and don’t help you live your best purposeful life.

You have a life force of vital energy that is yours to use however you want. But somewhere along the way, you might have handed over control of it to someone else. You might have been told you weren’t allowed to get angry or be sad or express yourself. You might have been told that you needed to be a certain way in order to belong.

The good news

Energy can’t be destroyed—it just gets trapped.

And most importantly, your vital energy source is still there, waiting for you to claim it back.

If you’d like to reconnect with your true source and feel like everything is possible again, we can help you do that.

In Mastering Your Energy Body, you will learn the tools and we will provide the support you need to take back control of your energy so that it serves YOU and your goals in life.

How can we help?

The skillsets and tools taught in Mastering Your Energy Body are designed to help you clear out what’s getting in the way of your true power, such as

  • the thoughts that don’t serve you,
  • the pain that’s being held deep inside your body,
  • the exhaustion that comes from being disconnected from yourself and your own vitality.

You will learn

  • what a healthy energy body is,
  • how to feel safe and supported,
  • how to set boundaries, and
  • how to connect to vital source energy.

With all these skills, you will empower yourself from the inside out.

The result

When you master your energy, you’ll feel empowered, energized, and purposeful!

Mastering Your Energy Body

Come join Janie Jaramillo and Boon Sym

for a 7 week online live class 

29th June – 10th August 2022
(Wednesdays, 7pm-8.30pm)
USA Central Time

30th June – 11th August 2022
(Thursdays, 8am-9.30am)
Singapore Time

  $249 USD   |   $349 SGD

Over these 7 sessions, you will learn skills to

develop a healthy energy body,

unlock your own Inner wisdom and

create Inner Change.

You will learn:

the four key structures of your Energy Body and why these are important.

how to cultivate a healthy, strong Energy Body with simple daily actions.

how to explore your Energy Body as an inner landscape.

how to track past energies (such as, emotional turmoil or numbness) to their source and reconcile them.

how to clear energetic 'cords' and 'contracts'.

how to clear solo and support others in clearing.

how to complete the clearing process and restore more and more of your True Self.

This is a course in Mastery which means to benefit most from the course,
students need to practice integrating and applying what they have learned.

As part of the class, you will also have access to:

7 live class sessions, 90-minutes each

video recordings of the class available for 60 days

audio recordings of visualizations

basic Qi Gong instruction via video to support the Mastering Your Energy Body practices

course materials in PDF downloads for offline use

online class portal for access to materials

special student rate for 1-to-1 sessions (20% off regular price)

What You Will Learn

You know the importance of taking care of your physical body. How do you take care of our Energy body so that you feel energized and empowered?

For the first 4 lessons of this course, we will introduce you to structures and practices that together develop your Energy Body awareness.

In the second half of the course, you will build skills to explore and connect to the wisdom of your body.

Lesson 1:
Your Invisible Energy Body & Developing Presence

In this lesson, you will learn  

  • A big picture overall view of your invisible energy bodies
  • The importance of practicing energy hygiene
  • How to cleanse your energy bodies
  • How to nourish your energy bodies
  • How to deepen your grounding and presence

Lesson 2:
Cultivating Your Connection with the Infinite Source

In this lesson, you will learn how to

  • Connect to and access the infinite sources of energy available to everyone,
  • Energize your body,
  • Cultivate your own knowingness and truth, and 
  • Connect with your intuition and make better decisions.

Lesson 3:
Creating Healthy, Intelligent Energetic Boundaries

In this lesson, you will learn

  • Why healthy energetic boundaries are essential for your own well-being,
  • How they affect your relationships, your emotional balance, and your focus.
  • To discern healthy and intelligent energetic boundaries.
  • How your words and actions reinforce your boundaries.
  • Practices to strengthen your boundaries and reinforce them.
  • Practices to scan your boundaries and how to repair them.

Lesson 4:
Exploring your Energy Body

Having covered the main components in your Energy Body, in this lesson, you will learn how to

  • Gain insight into how your own personal energy system works.
  • Engage with and explore your own Inner Landscape and symbolic language.
  • Explore your energy centers in your Energy Body.
  • Get in touch with your own innate power of healing.
  • Cleanse and switch off your analyzing mind.

Lesson 5:
Owning your Space – Your Current Self

In this lesson, you will learn how to

  • Step into the center of your power, your authentic self, and claim it.
  • Explore your Inner Landscape and discover the parts in you that made the original choices that are impacting you today.
  • Clear independently and how to support others in a clearing.

Lesson 6:
Basic Clearing Practice

In this lesson, you will cultivate skills to use in your Inner Landscape by

  • Using curiosity and compassion in the exploration of your Inner Landscape.
  • Engaging past selves to make new choices.
  • Learning about the 3 entry points to clearing.
  • Practicing clearing and supporting.

Lesson 7:
Clearing Cords and Contracts

In this lesson, you will learn

  • About energetic “cords” and “contracts” that result in unhealthy relationships.
  • Techniques for clearing energetic “cords” and “contracts”.

The final component of the course will help you to consolidate the system you have learned by focusing on

  • Best practices for Energy Body Mastery.
  • Best practices for clearing.

    Meet Your Teachers

    Chew Boon Sym (周文心)

    Boon Sym is a Singapore-based practitioner in Inner Transformation and Healing. 

    She started her career in the corporate world as an Actuary, with over 20 years of experience. Her passion for personal growth and in enabling the growth of those around her led her to train as a Life and Executive Coach. She has also practised Qigong since a teenager with a keen interest in how energies work and how it can support and transform the growth of an individual. She has experience with a wide range of healing modalities including crystals and yoga, and has been journeying with the Last Mask Centre programs since 2018.

    Boon Sym is a mother of 3 and a trained Yogakids facilitator, with particular experience in working with children and parents and developing programs for them. She has a particular interest in supporting the growth and development of individuals young and old, and to plant the seeds for a better future.

    Janie Jaramillo

    Janie Jaramillo (she/her) is a teacher and practitioner of shamanism born and based in South Texas, USA.

    She specializes in helping online spiritual entrepreneurs heal any wounds or energies which keep them from showing up and serving the world in the way their heart and soul yearns.

    She integrates shamanic, magic, and other energy practices to support her clients in developing a vision aligned with their purpose and helps them develop and actualize a coherent plan of action to meet their goals. Janie has been practicing EBM since 2017 and began teaching EBM in 2020.


    Janie Jaramillo and Boon Sym are both teachers in training with Christina Lee Pratt, Founder of the Last Mask Center.

    We would like to give thanks to our teacher, Christina, and her teacher, Phyllis Pay who started developing these practices over 40 years ago. We are grateful to Christina for developing the current practices which are part of Last Mask Center’s Deep Liberation Process.

    We give thanks for these transmissions. May future generations continue to be blessed and transformed by these teachings.

    Mastering Your Energy Body

    a 7 week online live class 

    29th June – 10th August
    (Wednesdays, 7pm-8.30pm)
    USA Central Time

    30th June – 11th August
    (Thursdays, 8am-9.30am)
    Singapore Time

      $249 USD   |   $349 SGD

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What if I cannot attend the live sessions?

    Each class will be recorded and the recording will be available for 60 days in the class portal.

    I would like to attend the course but cannot afford it. What are my options?

    Email us using the Contact form and we can arrange to talk to see if we can find a way to work together.

    Are there any prerequisites for this course?

    There are no prerequisites. If you have specific concerns, feel free to Contact us to have a conversation. 

    I am extra sensitive to energies. I am concerned about being in a group.

    The practices you will learn in this course in the first three lessons will help you with this concern.

    What if I enroll and find the course isn't for me?

    You have 14 days after the start of the course to request a refund.

    I have additional questions. How can I contact you?

    You can contact us using our Contact form.

    We will answer you via email or phone as soon as we can.